Mouse Help

Hover the mouse over one of the 9 buttons on the right hand side of the simulator page to control the jetpack. No need to press the buttons ...

Forward Pitch down to accelerate forward. The maximum commanded pitch down angle is 57°. The corresponding maximum forward speed is 99 km/h.
Backward Pitch up to accelerate backward. The maximum commanded pitch up angle is 57°. The corresponding maximum backward speed is 99 km/h.
Left Roll left to accelerate to the left. The maximum commanded roll angle is 57°. The corresponding maximum sideward speed is 99 km/h.
Right Roll right to accelerate to the right. The maximum commanded roll angle is 57°. The corresponding maximum sideward speed is 99 km/h.
Brake Tilt to the opposite direction to decrease the horizontal speed. The brake can be used until the jetpack comes to a complete stop. The brake only works on the forward, backward, left, and right motion.
Up Increase thrust to gain altitude. The maximum vertical up speed is 36 km/h.
Down Decrease thrust to loose altitude. The maximum vertical down speed is 36 km/h.
Yaw left Use the yaw vanes to rotate about the up axis to the left (counterclockwise). The maximum yaw rate is 29°/sec.
Yaw right Use the yaw vanes to rotate about the up axis to the right (clockwise). The maximum yaw rate is 29°/sec.

You can use mouse, keyboard, and joystick at the same time. If e.g. the mouse hovers over the Brake button, you cannot accelerate horizontally with the keyboard. You have been warned. ;-)