
To everyone overseas

Introduction to the Osaka Ceramic Training Center

The Osaka Ceramic Training Center was founded by Shigeo Kataoka in 1983 as a post-graduate educational center for dental technicians to acquire ceramic skills.

A lot of time is spent on basic training to acquire skills concerning shade expression, carving to study morphology of natural teeth, and also ceramic build-up and shape modifications.

Currently we have schools in Osaka and Miyazaki.
We have an all-day course and a weekend course which take 1 year to complete. Furthermore we offer a 4 week course for foreigners at our Osaka school only.

All courses include training on reproduction carving of a natural tooth model. We try to understand the morphology of natural teeth, we practice on how to express the surface properties of the different teeth, and we try to master proper shape which matches periodontal tissue.

Our training on ceramic techniques consists of restoration of the shape starting with model fabrication to wax up. By using metals, e.max and zirconia, we proceed by checking in detail the process of ceramic build up and shape modifications.

Osaka Ceramic Training Center practical course for foreigners
Manager Tetsuya SHOJI
OCTC Osaka Ceramic Training Center
